搜狐叔叔 百科词典 2022-10-03 16:42:00
黎明即起,洒扫庭除,要内外整洁。既昏便息,关锁门户,必亲自检点。Rise up by dawn's early light;Clean up, put everything right;Keep the home tidy and clean.Go to bed early at night;Check that the doors are locked tight;Sleep now secure and serene.一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力为艰。The growing of rice and of grain Think on whenever you dine;Remember how silk is obtained Which keeps you warm and looks fine.宜未雨而绸缪,毋临渴而掘井。In periods of drought Wise birds mend their nest So when the clouds burst They snugly may rest;Never be the fool Who starts to dig a well in the ground When he wants a drink of water And water can't be found.自奉必须俭约,宴客切勿流连。Restrained and frugal be In all your private life;That party quickly flee With drinking and flirting rife.器具质而洁,瓦缶胜金玉。饮食约而精,园蔬愈珍馐。Oh better earthen mugs and plates In household neat and clean Than vessels made of gold and jade And suited for the queen;Eat good food from garden fresh Downed with a cup of tea Shun exotic, unknown foods From far across the sea.勿营华屋,勿谋良田。Build not a house too pretentious and grand; Never, no never take anyone's land.三姑六婆,实淫道之媒;婢美妾峤,非闺房之福。Matchmaker ladies who wander out and in Don't mediate matches, they mediate sin;A beautiful and lusty young wife May complicate a family's life.童仆勿用俊美,妻妾切忌艶装。A page-boy clever, quick and sharp You should never, never hire; Of over made-up, dressed-up wife You certainly will tire.祖宗虽远,祭祀不可不诚;子孙虽愚,经书不可不读。Memorial service for forebears You now and then should hold;To learn from them and show you care,Their story should be told.Confucius' classic sayings All children should retain, Specially when it's evident They do not have much brain.居身务其质朴,教子要有义方。Honest and righteous be And committed to good deed; Your children then will see Example they should heed.莫贪意外之财,莫饮过量之酒。You can only make a fortune by Striving, working hard; No money falls from out the sky On your own backyard.Only drink a small amount of good wine Never let yourself across the sober line.与肩挑贸易,毋占便宜;见贫若亲邻,须加温恤。Bargain you not with the traveler who vends;Share of your wealth with your neighbors and friends.刻薄成家,理无久享;伦常乖舛,立见消亡。The man who gets rich through his lying and cheating ,Will find that his joy — if any — is fleeting.A person who commits incest Is foul knave whom all detest.兄弟叔侄,须多分润寡;长幼内外,宜法肃严词。When splitting the family fortune be fair So siblings and cousins will each get their share;Domestic law rates everyone par No matter how haughty or humble you are.听妇言,乖骨肉,岂是丈夫;重资财,薄父母,不成人子。No worthy son his honor stains By giving any credence When wife, in pillow talk, complains About his antecedents.When selfish son for riches seeks Neglecting aging parents Then all should treat him as a freak,His actions an aberrance.嫁女择佳婿,毋索重聘;娶媳求淑女,勿计厚奁。A costly betrothal cannot ensure, That daughter's marriage will always endure.A nice woman with no dowry Makes a good wife;A woman with large dowry May bring stress and strife.见富贵而生谄容者最可耻,遇贫贱而作骄态者贱莫甚。To fawn on the rich detracts from your fameAnd despising the poor redounds to your shame.居家戒争讼,讼则终凶;处世戒多言,言多必失。Don't take into court your family disputes,Unpleasant endings emerge from lawsuits;To comport yourself well in society Restrain loose tongue's impropriety.毋持势而凌迫孤寡,毋贪口腹而恣杀牲禽。Use not your bow and arrow To bully orphan and widow.Do not dumb animals slaughter at will Your appetite greedy to over fulfill.乖僻自是,悔误必多;颓情自甘,家道难成。Egocentric people grow ,Much regret and sorrow;Lazy, slothful people sow,Poverty tomorrow.狎昵恶少,久必受其累;屈志劳成,急则可相依。He who with crooks his way does wend,Into crime will surely drift;Rely on honest upright friend,When from plight you need a lift.轻听发言,安之非人之请愿谮诉,当忍耐三思。因事相争,焉知非我之不是,须平心暗想。A remark that's made with seeming candor,Could really be malicious slander;So carefully now think it through.And when with friend you've had a fight,Consider this: Perhaps he's right;It may be that fault is with you.施惠毋念,受恩莫忘。In proclaiming your virtue go slow;And be mindful of mercy you owe.凡事当留余地,得意不宜再往。Leave room for retreat When trying new feat. You will try, try in vain To repeat windfall gain.人有喜庆,不可生嫉忌心;人有祸患,不可生喜幸心。Don't envy other's success;Don't gloat o'er other's distress.善欲人见,不是真善;恶恐人知,便是大恶。To brag of the good you have done Will never impress anyone.Personal scandals you try hard to hide ,Will soon be known far and wide.见色而起淫心,报在妻女;匿怨而用暗箭,祸延子孙。The husband who yields to his lustful desire.By letting his lewd fancies roam,Thus forfeits his privilege to hope or aspire,To having a warm, happy home.A stab in the back of a man that you hate,Will subject your sons to an even worse fate.家门和顺,虽饔餮不济,亦有余欢;国课早完,即囊橐无余,自得至乐。The family that lives in love and peace,Is garnering joys that never will cease Even though your food may decrease.Paying tax early to the state,Makes you feel contented and great Even though your purse will deflate.读书志在圣贤,非徒科第;为官心存君国,岂计身家。Sages and men of good virtue inspire,True scholar's heart with a studious fire.If to high office you truly aspire,You must be loyal to king and empire.守分安命,顺时听天;为人若此,庶乎近焉。You are not far from being a good person,If you Abide by the law,Believe in destiny,Following the trend of the timesand adapt to the changes of Nature.