地理英语单词怎么读 怎么读地理英语单词
发布:米酒妈妈 时间:2022-09-26 16:06:18O_o
1、地理的英语:geography,发音: [dʒɪɒgrəfɪ]。
2、But we should not be naive either: Geography is one more strike against them.但是,我们也不该那么天真幼稚:地理又一次捉弄了他们。
3、There are proposals to phrase out the hitherto separate Department of Economic Geography.许多人建议要逐步取消到目前为止还是独立的经济地理系。
4、I once made 20$ on a bet that my geography teacher would pull his pants up to this belly button the second class started. And he did.我曾经就和人家打了20美元的赌,说我的地理老师会在第二节课开始的时候把他的裤子拉到肚脐眼那里。
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