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2019-10-02 21:00:15

​​How often do you wear jeans?

I wear jeans more than three times a week because they make me feel more comfortable and relaxed. In addition, casual clothessuch as T-shirts and jeans, look simple but fashionable, so they can help me to keep up with fashion trends.


Why are jeans popular around the world?

In my opinion, jeans are so popular all over the world because they can suit different people’s needs. For example, it’s unnecessary to wash jeans very often, which makes many busy or lazy people’s lives more convenient.


Have you ever bought very expensive jeans?

No, I’ve never bought very expensive jeans although designer clothes are often considered status symbols. However, if my salary becomes much better in the future, I’ll definitely get some very expensive and stylish jeans.


Are there any differences between young people's clothing and older people's clothing?

In general,young people tend to prefer clothes with bright colours while older people prefer clothes with dark colours. Besides, many young people choose fashion over comfort while many older people prefer comfort over fashion.


guiding star指路明星(能指引你正确方向的那颗星)。《我和我的祖国》里“白昼流星”一节的英文名就是the guiding star,年轻人看了这一节之后都会找到自己人生的方向。​​​​

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